
Emergency Eye Care

Eye emergencies or eye injuries can be a scary experience due to the fact that they may result in permanent loss of vision or extreme pain.  At San Juan Eye Centers we see ocular emergencies every day.  Our optometrists are well-trained to diagnose, treat, and/or manage many conditions including:
Along with many other eye related emergencies. 

If you ever experience unusual symptoms such as eye pain, redness, itching, discharge, flashes and floaters, sudden loss of vision, foreign body sensation, or any other injury seek medical attention immediately.  Continued pain for over 24 hours and decreased/loss of vision after an eye injury are warning signs that prompt medical attention is needed.  When in doubt, seek medical attention immediately.

Please call 970-249-2020 in Montrose or 970-874-8110 in Delta if you experience any of these symptoms.  We will see you the same day.